First, the team captured existing roadside assets in OpenGov. Then, they performed in-person inspections of those assets—using OpenGov’s mobile apps to measure asset conditions and photograph each culvert.
As part of a fall and winter preparatory inspection, the team assessed and rated culvert conditions using specific metrics—such as structural, hydraulic, and geotechnical conditions. Through the process, the team identified and codified specific problems such as cracking, out of round, pavement cracks, and open joints.
An additional numbered system helped the team measure where within the asset repairs were needed: near the inlet or outlet of the culvert, on the road surface, or inside the barrel itself.
“We have come a long way in developing our inspection program,” says Lauren Spear, senior GIS analyst. “We are now at a point that we not only know where our culverts are located, but also what condition they are in and what repairs are needed. This data is invaluable in moving toward developing our levels of service and proactively managing our culvert assets.”
Now, with detailed information on 1,800 culverts, prioritizing maintenance became the next big step for Multnomah County. Using the critical stormwater asset data they collected in OpenGov, the county identified a matrix of factors that led to an overall condition rating score. These scores, which fell within benchmarks from critical to good, allowed the county to identify which culverts needed immediate attention and which would be covered through routine maintenance.
Tapping into the power of OpenGov’s Automation Manager feature, Multnomah staff instantly generated emergency maintenance tasks based on their culvert inspection findings. As a result, road maintenance staff were automatically assigned clean up and repair tasks, streamlining county-wide culvert maintenance and avoiding potential failures.
Now, the county has a clear calendar of repairs for their culverts and is currently working on implementing a larger plan to prioritize the rehabilitation and replacement of culverts based on inspection condition ratings. And, thanks to their efforts with culvert optimization, the team won a county-wide innovation award for its implementation of OpenGov OMS into the road maintenance division.