Data Partners
OpenGov’s data partners offer a complimentary data set that provides additional value to customers and communities across the country.
More Data. Better Info Management.
Our data partners help enable seamless data sharing and improved information management for customers. These partners can implement their own data sets into OpenGov Asset Management, improving maintenance and management of their critical functions.
What Kind of Data Partners Do We Work With?
OpenGov supports the following types of data partners: roadway conditions & pavement, pipe conditions & imagery, tree conditions & imagery, right-of-way aerial & roadside imagery (signs, lights, etc.), and indoor asset condition & assessment.
What Training Will OpenGov Provide To Data Partners?
OpenGov will provide remote training related to the collection and loading of data, including: 1) Asset Management standard assets, data structure, and asset relationships 2) Best practices related to asset types and default fields 3) Asset Builder and custom assets and 4) Esri Integration.
What Are The Benefits of Partnering With OpenGov?
Partnering with OpenGov will help your organization expand market reach, gain access to government expertise, drive technology innovation and evolution, and accelerate time to market.
Partnering with OpenGov means partnering with an award-winning service team committed to customer success.
If you’re into making clients successful through people, technology, and big ideas, let’s talk about working together.
We know it’s more important than ever to bring resilient, secure, and performant cloud technology to the public sector.
Become A Data Partner
If you have interest in becoming an authorized data partner, let us know!