Local Government FAQs

Answers to the most common questions related to local government matters

Budget Processes & Systems

Local and state governments need to change their old strategies and approaches in order to truly evolve over time. Public managers and public officers must initiate and sustain performance management in order to support governmental planning, funding, and operations… Read More.

When it comes to financial management in the public sector, there are several on-premise or cloud-based government accounting software solutions that track and report financials and funds efficiently and accurately. These include OpenGov, Oracle, Quickbooks, Workday… Read More.

The local government budget process is highly complex and, while the specific departments, services, and budget calendars may differ from state to state, it generally includes the following stages… Read More.

Administrative officials are rapidly adopting government software technologies that enable them to integrate data and increase productivity within their respective organizations—from health departments to departments of transportation. These technologies include OpenGov, Oracle, Workday… Read More.

Capital Projects & Planning

A capital improvement plan (CIP) has two parts – a capital budget and a capital program. The capital budget is the upcoming year’s spending plan for capital items… Read More.


Strategic capital planning: one of the most important cross-functional activities that you as a government finance leader undertake on behalf of your community… uniting capital investment to strategic with operational plans… Read More.

There are many ways to improve your capital improvement plan (CIP). The first step to improving your CIP is to understand what components need to be included… Read More.

While there is significant overlap between capital projects and regular maintenance needs, it’s important to distinguish between the two. Regular maintenance needs should be kept in the operating budget, while capital projects should be included in the… Read More.

Despite the immense importance of the CIP, many local governments still primarily manage them through a technologically outdated combination of Excel Spreadsheets, Word Documents and PDFs. The first step to overcoming the difficulties of capital budgeting… Read More.

Capital financing, in this case, refers to a local government’s process for raising money to fund its capital projects. There are three primary ways to finance capital projects… Read More.

Government Technology

Real-time monitoring protects against data theft. To create a plan for saas alerts, start according to the needs of your business and slowly but surely add to it as those needs mature… Read More.