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Infrastructure Planning

Ensure that your infrastructure assets are well-maintained, reliable, and safe with OpenGov infrastructure planning software.

Infrastructure Planning Software For Modern Government

OpenGov’s infrastructure planning software enables organizations to make informed decisions about maintenance and repair activities, leading to improved asset performance, increased reliability, and enhanced public safety.


Build Capital Improvement Plans

Identify, forecast, and prioritize capital improvement projects over multiple years. Leverage this information to develop data-driven budgeting plans.

Answer What-If Questions

Run scenarios based on budget limitations or target OCIs to answer questions like, “What if we increased our maintenance budget by 25%?”

Justify Budget Requests

Take the guesswork out of the budgeting process. Back up your budget requests with clear data, accurate projections, and rock-solid plans.

Visualize and Share Data

View your scenarios on a map to compare projections, make better decisions, and get buy-in from key stakeholders. Use Reporting & Transparency to make your data transparent.

Capital Improvement Planning Software

Make Data-Driven Decisions

OpenGov helps you see the big picture. Know what activities are still in your backlog and the cost of deferring that work for another year. Use this information to create 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year plans to keep your organization moving forward.

Leverage your asset and work data to run scenarios based on budgets, timelines, conditions, and more. Use this info to prioritize projects and extend the life of your infrastructure.

Utility Asset Management Software

Keep Your Assets Going

OpenGov helps you see the big picture. Know what activities are still in your backlog and the cost of deferring that work for another year. Use this information to create 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year plans to keep your organization moving forward.

Leverage your asset and work data to run scenarios based on budgets, timelines, conditions, and more. Use this info to prioritize projects and extend the life of your infrastructure.

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Thousands of agencies trust OpenGov to power more effective and accountable government

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