The OpenGov Cloud

See for yourself why 1,100+ public agencies in 48 states trust OpenGov to help transform how governments budget, measure performance, engage the public and improve their citizens’ digital experience.

  • Budgeting & Planning: The only modern, full-featured budgeting software made for public sector planning and analysis.
  • Permitting & Licensing: One solution to power every permitting and licensing workflow.
  • Procurement: End-to-end procurement automation across solicitation, contract development, electronic proposal evaluations, and supplier interactions.
  • Asset Management: Software built to handle the unique needs of cities & counties, special districts, parks, state agencies, and more.
  • Financials: Automate your mission-critical fund accounting processes, now and for the future.

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OpenGov Capabilities

1600+ agencies trust OpenGov to power more effective and accountable government