Adopt a More Efficient Flow to your Pipeline Inspections

No longer just a pipe dream, there’s a way to get ahead of requests, work orders, and compliance challenges for your pipelines. In partnership with ITpipes, join this webinar to learn how to transform your pipeline asset management.

In this session, featuring the City of Burlingame, CA, learn how to:

  • Streamline workflows, saving time and improving efficiency in pipeline inspection and maintenance processes
  • Improve communication, collaboration, and decision making across departments thanks to seamless data flow between field crews, contractors, and office personnel
  • Enhance data analysis by gaining valuable insights to make informed decisions and prioritize maintenance activities.
  • Meet regulatory compliance requirements including LCRR and SSO
  • Increase productivity and reduce manual work thanks to the automation of tasks and workflows


Picture of Michael Heathcote
Michael Heathcote

Interim Deputy Director of Public Works Operations,
Burlingame, CA

Picture of Mark Grabowski
Mark Grabowski

Business Development Manager,


Picture of Tim Larson
Tim Larson

Sr Product Marketing Associate,

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