Deep Dive Webinar Series

Our Deep Dive webinar series is jam-packed with tips and insights to make the most of OpenGov’s resource management, request management, space management, and analytical capabilities. 

Engage Session: 

  • Create custom, organization-branded guides throughout Cartegraph to share information and support standard operating procedures.
  • Improve Cartegraph adoption and identify sticking points by monitoring and analyzing usage.
  • Send user notifications to highlight new features and share important internal news.

Facility Management Session: 

  • Leverage floor plan lines in your building to better manage your assets and spaces.
  • Visualize every property your organization owns or leases.
  • Analyze and identify properties that might have better uses or could provide more benefit to your org.
  • Utilize your spaces in the most efficient manner, cut costs, and streamline office moves.

Citizen Engagement Session:

  • Leverage two-way integrations to get more done and provide requestors with timely updates.
  • More regularly communicate with key stakeholders and share important municipal updates.
  • Save time and eliminate manual paperwork with Cartegraph’s 811 utility locate integration.

Resource Management Session:

  • Simplify data entry by setting up a new laborer, adding rates, and associating them with a crew.
  • Know precisely what you have and where by creating a new inventory item, establishing inventory methodology, and stocking new vendor items into a specific location.
  • Keep equipment in tip-top shape by building preventive maintenance plans based on time and/or condition.

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