Software Built For

Transportation & Traffic

Infrastructure Management Software

Software Built to Keep Your City Moving

Smooth streets. Safe bridges. Well-maintained signs and signals. Transportation asset management is important to your citizens—and to your community. Build data-driven pavement preservation plans and trust that your transportation network is in good hands with OpenGov.


Track Your Operations

From pavement to signals, transportation assets are among the most expensive assets in a city or county. Track how you’re spending your taxpayer dollars and use the data in our transportation asset management software to justify future budget requests.

Sustainable Transportation

Eliminate printed maps and paper work orders. With our software, your transportation infrastructure asset management operations are streamlined through a web-based system that’s updated in real-time by crews using mobile devices.

Protect Your Assets

Whether you’re patching potholes, building pavement preservation plans, or replacing damaged traffic signs, keeping traffic & transportation assets in good condition is a big job. Extend asset and create a safer network for your citizens.

High-Performance Infrastructure Management

Adams County, CO

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Justify Budget Requests

Transportation is a multimillion-dollar industry. Put together budget proposals based on hard facts instead of best guesses. Use the numbers in OpenGov to show council how much money you need, why, and what impact it will have using our road maintenance and asset management system software.

Work From Anywhere

Work online or offline with OpenGov. Efficiently complete inspections and make repairs, sending real-time data back to the office staff or syncing as soon as you reconnect.


Already have your asset data in ArcGIS? Great news: Our seamless, two-way integration with Esri will serve that data up in OpenGov for enhanced asset management and analysis.


Put your GIS Data to Work

OpenGov has a two-way integration with the Esri ArcGIS platform. Any transportation asset in your GIS database is available—and any asset condition or work information captured in OpenGov is then available back inside of ArcGIS in real time.

Use these free high-performance resources to work smarter and make better decisions today.

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On-Demand Webinars
How to Optimize Your Water and Wastewater Operations
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Case Study
Bedford Water Authority (VA) Transitions to the Cloud for Smoother Integrations and Automations, and Establishes Preventative Maintenance Programs
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Asset Management Basics

Thousands of agencies trust OpenGov to power more effective and accountable government

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Start Your Journey

Every street sign. Every sidewalk. Every bridge. Whether you’re looking to manage one asset type or shopping for an all county pavement management solution, OpenGov is tailored to your organization’s needs.